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Alt 18.04.2020, 11:24
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Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie musste von der WMF sowohl der Nationen-Cup 2020 am 30./31.5 als auch die Jugend-WM im August abgesagt worden.
Homepage des Minigolfclub Murnau am Staffelsee.
Ja, auf der Website des MGC Murnau (http://www.minigolf-murnau.de/aktuelles/jugend-wm-2020/) steht es so. Die WMF schreibt aber gerade:

Dear minigolf community,

Despite some informations on other sites and pages, WMF and its continental federations have not taken any official decision about the remaining 2020 international championships yet.

We will announce the common and official decision of WMF and continental federations as well as further procedures on official WMF and continental federation channels in approximately 10 days' time. Thank you for your patience.

Pasi Aho
WMF Vice President Sport
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