Ankündigung Scottish Minigolf Open 2010 in Aberdeen
Am 16.05. findet im schottischen Aberdeen die 1. Scottish Open statt. Terminlich ist das etwas für Kurzentschlossene. Aberdeen liegt noch ca. 200 km nördlich von Edinburgh, und damit schon sehr weit im Norden Schottlands.
Die Scottish Open wird dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal ausgetragen. Der Adventure-Golf-Platz in Aberdeen ist meines Wissens nach noch nicht im Turnier bespielt worden, so daß man dort Neuland betritt. Auf der Homepage des Freizeitparks, zu dem der Platz offensichtlich gehört, machen die Bahnen einen recht guten Eindruck:
Die Ausschreibung der BMGA findet Ihr hier:
Zu Hotels oder B&B's kann ich nichts sagen, da ich selbst noch nie in Aberdeen war. Hier aber mal 2 Webseiten mit Infos:
Zum Schluß noch der Originaltext der Einladung, die ich per Email erhalten haben:
Hello from the UK!
I just thought I would drop you all a line to let you know of a new competition on the BMGA tour. As you have all supported our competitions in the past I thought it worth letting you know of the latest addition to our tour calendar.
On Sunday 16th May 2010 the 2010 BMGA season makes it's debut in Scotland at the Pirate Island Adventure Golf in Aberdeen for the Scottish Open championship. The competition will start at 9am prompt (all other opening times can be found at the official website of PirateIsland) and will consist of four rounds (72 holes) in total. Entry to the competition is £15 and all competitors can take advantage of a day practice rate at the venue of £10 for unlimited play on the Saturday before the competition.
The competition has one of the biggest purses available this year on the BMGA tour with a guaranteed prize fund of at least £1500 and there will be a wide range of prizes up for grabs on the day (for the top players, top novices, top juniors, top locals and an Aces champion and Junior Aces Champion).
If you are interested in playing then please email me on (email address can be found in the application form, mindthegap) to reserve your place in one of the top competitions on the 2010 BMGA tour. Places are limited to 54 and we are seeing a good response to the event with 24 tour players already signed up for the event. Details of entrants and a link to the course website can be found at:
Please feel free to circulate the details of the competition amongst your colleagues and I hope that you (and any of your fellow countrymen and women!) will be able to make the trip over to Aberdeen in May and look forward to seeing you all there!
Kind regards,
Sean Homer - BMGA Chairman.
Official website: