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26.10.2011, 17:41
Registriert seit: 23.01.2007
Beiträge: 176
I search 19 IVTT, boF Thibault, 3D Odense
I search the following balls
3D Odense WC 2009 KX. I offer 30€ for this ball
3D 19 IVTT KL. I offer 20€ for this ball
3D boF Guy Thibault MR. I offer 15€ for this ball
If you want to help me, please send me an email phillugdu@hotmail.fr
26.10.2011, 18:54
Registriert seit: 18.12.2006
Ort: Glinde
Beiträge: 2.829
Zitat von philmgcr
I search the following balls
3D Odense WC 2009 KX. I offer 30€ for this ball
3D 19 IVTT KL. I offer 20€ for this ball
3D boF Guy Thibault MR. I offer 15€ for this ball
If you want to help me, please send me an email phillugdu@hotmail.fr
look at
when i have one of these ball you can get it for the normal price
3D Odense WC 2009 KX. I offer 30€ for >this ball is available in kl and kr
and i only have the 20 ivtt kl
greetings opc
26.10.2011, 19:15
Registriert seit: 23.01.2007
Beiträge: 176
OK Oliver but I search 19 IVTT, not 20 IVTT and odense KX, not KL or KR
Even if I'm a french player, I Know the difference between 19 and 20 and between KL, KX and KR !!!
26.10.2011, 19:35
Registriert seit: 18.12.2006
Ort: Glinde
Beiträge: 2.829
Zitat von philmgcr
OK Oliver but I search 19 IVTT, not 20 IVTT and odense KX, not KL or KR
Even if I'm a french player, I Know the difference between 19 and 20 and between KL, KX and KR !!!
I don't say that you are stupid , i only Look in my stock and there are These Balls .
I only wanted to help
26.10.2011, 19:45
Registriert seit: 23.01.2007
Beiträge: 176
No problem oliver
If you can find for me the balls I look for, it will be a real help and I will be happy to pay 20€ or 30€ because I need this balls to play
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