Materialempfehlungen Bälle, Schläger .... wie sind Eure Erfahrungen? Welche Bälle empfehlt Ihr anderen Spielern, oder welche Bälle findet Ihr nicht so dolle? Hier können natürlich auch Fragen zu Bällen und Schlägern gepostet werden. |
13.12.2012, 12:58
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
hy guys !
a friend of mine has damaged his old G 11/2 MR ( hard series ) during a tournament ... here in Italy the ball is often played on bahn 5 ( abt. 1).
this is a ball I personally never play so as he was searching another one .. I was thinking to give him mine ..
the question is : which is the value ? 15- 20 Euronen or ????
thanks for any help !
13.12.2012, 14:06
Moderator Bälle, Material
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Hessen
Beiträge: 18.521
I never heard about this ball (which manufacturer is it)
I only now Beck & Meth G 11, if You mean this ball
15-20 I think is a really good price
Das Leben ist zu kurz, um hindurch zu rasen, wenn man nicht manchmal stehen bleibt und sich umschaut, könnte man es verpassen.
13.12.2012, 14:55
Registriert seit: 29.11.2006
Beiträge: 4.716
Zitat von marci
hy guys !
a friend of mine has damaged his old G 11/2 MR ( hard series ) during a tournament ... here in Italy the ball is often played on bahn 5 ( abt. 1).
this is a ball I personally never play so as he was searching another one .. I was thinking to give him mine ..
the question is : which is the value ? 15- 20 Euronen or ????
thanks for any help !
here, a G11 (Beck&Meeth) sold !
wohne im ältesten Weinort Deutschlands
13.12.2012, 15:15
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Zitat von pinkydiver
I never heard about this ball (which manufacturer is it)
I only now Beck & Meth G 11, if You mean this ball
15-20 I think is a really good price
it's the big B & M G11 ( colour lightblue ) signed " G11/2 " made in the early 90s ( around 1992 if I remember well ) with size around 40 mm.
it was made in two versions :
1) soft ( H = around 25 )
2) hard ( H = around 30 )
of this kind of ball there is also a B&M prototype with the same size ( 40 mm ) but much softer ( around 18 )
S for the 3 balls is around : 32 for the 2 G11/2 and 35-36 for the big K13 Vorlaufer
G is around 50 for the G11/2 and around 44 for the big K13
13.12.2012, 15:18
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Zitat von pinkydiver
I never heard about this ball (which manufacturer is it)
I only now Beck & Meth G 11, if You mean this ball
15-20 I think is a really good price
both G11/2 are not easy to find ( at least in Italy ) ... so maybe 15- 20 is a good price for him ... but not for me ... LLOOLLLLLLL
13.12.2012, 15:39
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
from left to right :
1) first stripe : G11/2 soft , G11/2 hard ( 2nd and 3d balls )
2) second stripe : 2 big K13 vorlaufers
13.12.2012, 16:40
Moderator Bälle, Material
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Hessen
Beiträge: 18.521
so it is not a Beck&Meth ball these are Intergolf balls with the same name, but little bit different, also the BIG k13 is not a Beck&Meth ball, I own H11 and H13 of this series
if anyone in germany owns this ball and wants to sell ist, he will put it in small set for hobbyplayers or a low cost box, and he will be happy to sell them for 3-5 Euro
sometimes germany and Italy are different
Das Leben ist zu kurz, um hindurch zu rasen, wenn man nicht manchmal stehen bleibt und sich umschaut, könnte man es verpassen.
13.12.2012, 16:48
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Zitat von pinkydiver
so it is not a Beck&Meth ball these are Intergolf balls with the same name, but little bit different, also the BIG k13 is not a Beck&Meth ball, I own H11 and H13 of this series
if anyone in germany owns this ball and wants to sell ist, he will put it in small set for hobbyplayers or a low cost box, and he will be happy to sell them for 3-5 Euro
sometimes germany and Italy are different
thanks Dirk !!
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