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Bahnengolf-Forum Minigolf (oder Bahnengolf) ist ein beliebter Freizeitspaß der Deutschen. Fast jeder hat's schon mal gespielt. So verwundert es nicht, dass sich aus dem Freizeitspaß ein Sport entwickelte bis hin zu Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften. In diesem Forum tummeln sich die Freaks aus aller Welt, tauschen ihre Erfahrungen untereinander aus, geben Ballempfehlungen. Außerdem wird über Turniere berichtet.

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Alt 02.06.2011, 21:14
HansB HansB ist offline
Registriert seit: 07.08.2009
Beiträge: 5
Standard Attack on Minigolfnews

Dear all Mein-Auwi and Minigolfnews users

First of all sorry for writing this in English, my German is not so good.

Second I need to tell those of you that are also users on the Minigolfnews site that the site has been hacked and is not temporarily shut down. The hacker has threatened us that he has control over all email accounts and password. We don’t know if that is true but we would like to warn all of you that if you have used the same password on Minigolfnews as elsewhere (i.e. you mail-account) you need to rapidly change password where you could in order not to have problems.

Of course we are very sorry for this inconvenience and we really hope that none of our users will get in trouble.

The matter is formally handed over to the Police authority. It will probably take several weeks before the site is up again since we totally need to redo the site with higher security.

Best regards Hans Bergström,
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