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Materialempfehlungen Bälle, Schläger .... wie sind Eure Erfahrungen? Welche Bälle empfehlt Ihr anderen Spielern, oder welche Bälle findet Ihr nicht so dolle? Hier können natürlich auch Fragen zu Bällen und Schlägern gepostet werden.

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Alt 18.03.2012, 11:18
marci marci ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Standard my mini

just a few words about my two mini ( that are NOT for sale , so if this is not the right place please move this post to the correct one ).
S = 15- 18 cm.( there is a small difference between the two balls )
G= 42 gr.
durchmesser = 39 mm.
shade = cream-white ( RAL 9001 )
H = 93 circa.

according to the first owner who bought them in 1963 ( he is an old and famous player from Sanremo : Michele M. , now around 80 years old ) these balls were given to the "publikum" players in the very early years of minigolf
( the first courses in concrete were made in Italy around 1959 ).
Michele was a very close friend of N. Wagner and received from him all new balls , being also the "chief-trainer" of the Italian team.
these balls are 100 % "temperaturkostant" : I have tried to heat one for hours ( keeping it in my hands , so with a difference of more than 15 °C between air and hands ) , but the rebound difference didn't change at all.
the reason of this is probably the material used : silicone ???
this is not the only example of a ball completely "heat-proof" : I have seen also some old MG with silicone, such as mg 18 ( vorlaufer with a small spot of white paint ) and mg 10.
these two mini were given to me ( as a gift ) in 1991 by Michele and are proudly taken by me in my collection ( I have begun to play at the end of the 1970s ).
just for curiosity : in the early 2000s during a tournament in the north of Italy ( Naturno-abt 2 ) ...
a famous Dutch dealer noticed these balls and offered me 800 DM for both .. I obviously refused his proposition and he went away quite upset ....muttering bad words in his native language .....

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