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Flohmarkt-Archiv Alte Themen bis einschließlich 2011.

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Alt 22.01.2013, 11:37
marci marci ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Standard Junior Spezial III with special lack....

for sale :
3d Junior Spezial III GL with my special lack : price is 20 € + porto
3d Karftwerk II KL with my special lack : price is 20 € + porto.
balls are both "unmarkiert" and new ( " ungespielt " ) : see the small uncut " nippel " in the second picture.
for those who don't know me : I'm Marcello from Genova and I have begun to paint balls around 1980 : some balls with my lack ( 083/085 and K12-13 ) have arrived also
in Switzerland and Germany.
I have used many different paints , such as many acrylics and in the past also a superthin elastic paint for gummiboats ( used for Deutschmann balls ).
these balls for sale are painted with a very thin transparent acrylic ,a sort of eggshell very "spurtreuer ".
if you need futher informations send me a PN or write to this mail :
thanks !
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