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Materialempfehlungen Bälle, Schläger .... wie sind Eure Erfahrungen? Welche Bälle empfehlt Ihr anderen Spielern, oder welche Bälle findet Ihr nicht so dolle? Hier können natürlich auch Fragen zu Bällen und Schlägern gepostet werden.

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Alt 25.02.2013, 18:23
marci marci ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Standard " rauschliff " comparison

comparison of the roughness between a ball ( bof Isselmann ) with original MXX lack ( played , so a little less rough than new ) and the same ball painted with an extreme thin paint : the result is quite interesting ,
as :
1) the MRR painted ball ( the rohling was still new ) has now a MX finish ;
2) this MX finish is somehow more stable ( altough lower ) as the roughness is under the lack , that well protects it.
3) the original MXX will certainly remain more rough ( if you don't play it everywhere .. like some old poor Wagner 05 that have become completely flat after years of mistreatments ....
but this is something that happened many years ago when there were very few balls ).
this MX finish can be defined as a sort of interesting " hybrid " between very rough balls ( MXX in this case ) and balls with a flat surface ( ML in this case ).
I will update this thread after a " road test ".

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