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Bahnengolf-Forum Minigolf (oder Bahnengolf) ist ein beliebter Freizeitspaß der Deutschen. Fast jeder hat's schon mal gespielt. So verwundert es nicht, dass sich aus dem Freizeitspaß ein Sport entwickelte bis hin zu Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften. In diesem Forum tummeln sich die Freaks aus aller Welt, tauschen ihre Erfahrungen untereinander aus, geben Ballempfehlungen. Außerdem wird über Turniere berichtet.

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Alt 20.10.2008, 11:38
Chaos Chaos ist offline
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Bern
Beiträge: 7
Standard Zugelassene Bälle / neue Entwicklungen

Folgende Mitteilung ging heute an die Mitgliedernationen der WMF

Dear members of WMF
As you are informed, the use of balls in minigolf tournaments worldwide require an approval of the company and its balls by WMF (see chapter 3.4 of WMF rulebook). As from 2009 on balls from various companies will not be allowed in competitions anymore.

Currently, a list is drawn up with companies and brands, which
- are approved: 3D, Reisinger, Nifo, Infinite
- are not approved: Gerlach, Rothe, Kiesow and all other companies not listed as approved or under review
- are under review (and not not approved as of 1st January 2009 without further notice): Wagner, Game’N Fun, SV Golf, Migo Sport, Pro Golf Switzerland – W. Hartmann, Pro Golf Austria – W. Maier

At this stage, I kindly ask you to inform all your clubs, ball sellers and players about these important changes by a publication on your website, in your newletters or other publications. WMF does not take over any responsibility in case balls are produced which will finally not be allowed to play in competitions. The restrictions are not limited to international tournaments and championships, the restrictions also apply to local, regional and national tournaments. Also, the restrictions apply in countries where the respective member of WMF has not assigned marketing rights to WMF (the regulation in chapt. 3.4 is independent).

Further information will be issued later and published on WMF website (
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