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Bahnengolf-Forum Minigolf (oder Bahnengolf) ist ein beliebter Freizeitspaß der Deutschen. Fast jeder hat's schon mal gespielt. So verwundert es nicht, dass sich aus dem Freizeitspaß ein Sport entwickelte bis hin zu Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften. In diesem Forum tummeln sich die Freaks aus aller Welt, tauschen ihre Erfahrungen untereinander aus, geben Ballempfehlungen. Außerdem wird über Turniere berichtet.

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Alt 03.01.2009, 10:15
woinemer woinemer ist offline
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Standard Bahnbeschreibung Monza

Hallo Leuts,

hat jemand eine Bahnbeschreibung der Betonanlage in Monza (Hallenanlage).
Wäre nett wenn ich eine bekommen könnte, werde Ende Januar dort spielen.
Am besten schickt ihr sie an:

Danke schon mal.


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Alt 03.01.2009, 19:58
Benutzerbild von paolo
paolo paolo ist offline
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Hello Thomas,

if you can speak English, I can send you some notes about Monza (Vedano) indoor course in English language...

Let me know.

Paolo Porta - ITALY
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Alt 04.01.2009, 21:18
Sadi Sadi ist offline
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Der Plan von der Ausschreibung für das 10 Runden Turnier (Trofeo Nissan) ist nicht wirklich schlecht, da kannst ziemlich nach gehen.
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Alt 04.01.2009, 22:19
Benutzerbild von paolo
paolo paolo ist offline
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@ Sadi

Hey Sadi, how are you? When do you arrive in Monza for the tournament? I will be there from Friday evening! See you there in some weeks!!


@ all

If someone else needs information about the course plan, I will post herebelow the notes I've sent to Thomas.

Play from hour 9.00/10.00 on the right bound just before the middle. Slow shot. Ace VL or RL from rightside. Balls Sv Switzerland 97+, D Bel Ami, D 085 and similar.
Two lines:
a) Play from the middle on the left bound, just over the spot on the bound. Very slow shot, ace only VL. Ball 3D 613 MR or D 084
b) Play from 9.00 on the left bound, then left stone. Quite strong shot. Best ball is System Golf B52
Straight from the middle (just don't play to the right). Very high ace % but you have to find the right ball. Best balls are Sv Olomouc MEJ 1992, Sv Czech Team 1995, Sv 23 (but not all of them are good, I have 3x Olomouc but only one is good). Ace only VL, ball has to be in right temperature (Olomouc must be warm)
From the middle or just right, play straight (lane goes a little bit to the left). Ball comes out 5-15 cm left from the hole and must make ace only RL from left. Ball has to be in perfect temperature to have a good ace %. The lane is also a little bit eventful because the ball doesn't come out always with same speed/direction (expecially when you enter directly in the middle of the obstacle). Most played balls are: 3D Piggy KR (warm), BoF Brianza ISM 2003 KR, 3D 423 MR (very warm), 3D 513 MR, BoF Predazzo 2004-2006 KR.
From 9.00 to 12.00 (depends on which ball you play). Quite early on the bound with a slow shot. Ace only VL. Many balls can be played: SV Switzerland 97+, M&G Replica Pscherer KX, 3D BoF Uppsala/Damen 2007 KX, 3D Lozza 2005 MX, 3D Cuderone MX, Nifo 5 roh (1. serie).
From 9.00 on the right bound, 20-25 cm after the beginning of the ramp. Quite hard shot, ace RL from left side. Most played balls are: WH Light 6 (warm), WH Light 8 (warm), Infinite 2006 RL, Ravensburg 251 or 252, BoF Prestinari 2003 KX. Not easy to get an ace.
From the middle or just left, play a little bit to the right. Ball must pass near the hole (no big difference if on left or right side). Ace after 2 or 3 bounds in the circle. Most played balls: D Super 9 roh, BoF Templin 2007 KR.
From 1/2 right, pass 5 cm from the left edge of the obstacle. Quite slow shot. Many balls can be played, I prefer a rough ball like M&G Samptfochten 2.
Play clicker (in my opinion heavy clicker is better). From 12.00 (light clicker) or 1.00 (heavy clicker) on the left stone. Enter in the middle of the obstacle, not too fast. Ace only VL.
Play from 3.00 a little bit to the right, ball must bounce in the circle at h. 1.00/8.00/2.00/10.00 and then get an ace with right speed. Most played balls are 3D Perpetuum Mobile KR, Birdie Bernd 11 KR, BoF Harry Rothe yellow KR.
Clicker or any hard ball. Play from right to the turn, slow shot. Very easy lane.
Play from 9.00 or 10.00. Touch the first wall on the second half, then left bound. Ball can make ace VL or RL from left. Most played balls are D 083 blue (the fast one) speckling, BoF Uhl 2003 KR speckling, BoF Marchiani 2004 KL, BoF Paolo Porta 2001 KL.
Two line:
a) Mg Turbo 2 roh, Sv Trofeo Nissan 2008 roh. From 9.00 pass 10 cm from the first stone, very slow shot. Then 2-3-4 rebound in the circle and ace. You need maximum precision on speed and direction. If you don't get an ace, 90% chance of being really far away from the hole
b) M&G Rabbit KL/KX, BoF Zischg 2000 KL/KX, 3D 513 KL. From the middle, pass 10 cm from the stone. Ace VL or RL from left (sometimes also from right). Best shot if you don't know how to play second shot far away.
From 2.00 to 3.00 (depending on the ball you play). Left bound 20-30 cm before the end, then right bound, then ace VL or (better) RL from right. Most played balls are BoF Marchiani 2004 KX, 3D 846 MX (1. serie)
From the middle or just a little bit to the left. To get an ace you need to enter very close to the right wall, then the ball goes left and make ace RL from left. Many balls can be good. Most played are BoF Prantl IM 2005 (KL or KR), BoF Weis 2005 KL or KX.
Play from the middle, straight (lane goes a little bit to the right). Ball should exit on the right bound then make ace VL or RL from left. Very eventful lane. Play clicker (better the transparent light clicker).
Two lines:
a) From the middle on the left bound, then right bound after the obstacle, ace VL or RL from left. Reisinger 30, old 05 Wagner, 3D 35 Jahre Wetzikon KL...
b) From the middle, straight with balls like BoF Massem 2005 KL or KX.
Left or right bound with usual bound balls. Quite easy. Also straight is possible and easy.

In the last two tournaments played in November and December 2008 (13 rounds) I got an average of 26,3 (28-27-29-26-23-27-25-27-25-24-27-25-29).
Paolo Porta - ITALY
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