Materialempfehlungen Bälle, Schläger .... wie sind Eure Erfahrungen? Welche Bälle empfehlt Ihr anderen Spielern, oder welche Bälle findet Ihr nicht so dolle? Hier können natürlich auch Fragen zu Bällen und Schlägern gepostet werden. |
13.12.2012, 15:52
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
3D-OM 88 Munster
at the same tournament I have taken this 2 balls , MR and ML ( seen by me only on e-bay untill now ) :
they look rare ( altough quite "temperaturen-findlich " ) ..
maybe they have never arrived to Italy .... so does anybody has some informations about them ?
are they prototypes ??
13.12.2012, 16:37
Moderator Bälle, Material
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Hessen
Beiträge: 18.521
HAllo Marcello
this ball is not rare, but most of them stayed in Austria and in Murnau, this ball is a little bit like a Birdie Little D01, but the laquered one has an excellent rolling behaviour. But I know only one lane where play this ball mainly (Lane 17 in Murnau/Bavaria). But You can also play there mg EM 1990 Luxembourg is as good as ÖM Münster.
Many people pay high prices for getting that ball (50 € +)
recently one has been sold on eBay (more than 70 Euro)
regards Dirk
Das Leben ist zu kurz, um hindurch zu rasen, wenn man nicht manchmal stehen bleibt und sich umschaut, könnte man es verpassen.
13.12.2012, 16:54
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Zitat von pinkydiver
HAllo Marcello
this ball is not rare, but most of them stayed in Austria and in Murnau, this ball is a little bit like a Birdie Little D01, but the laquered one has an excellent rolling behaviour. But I know only one lane where play this ball mainly (Lane 17 in Murnau/Bavaria). But You can also play there mg EM 1990 Luxembourg is as good as ÖM Münster.
Many people pay high prices for getting that ball (50 € +)
recently one has been sold on eBay (more than 70 Euro)
regards Dirk
thanks Dirk,
in fact I have never seen one in Italy ....
the ball looks softer than the D01 little and less " temperatur-konstant"..
I will try them ( bought for a very small price ): the MR looks to be an interesting " doppelwellen" ball.
thanks again for your very kind and detailed answers ( as usual ) : for me it's a real pleasure to be in touch with you !
14.12.2012, 13:01
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Beiträge: 259
Zitat von pinkydiver
But I know only one lane where play this ball mainly (Lane 17 in Murnau/Bavaria). But You can also play there mg EM 1990 Luxembourg is as good as ÖM Münster.
Apart from that it would not be wise to leave this ball at home when coming to Neutraubling. (free tip for EC 2014) Some of us play it on lane 12 concrete. Not all, but it has had some really nice ace percentages over the years...because it rolls so well.
14.12.2012, 13:31
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Zitat von Hans III
Apart from that it would not be wise to leave this ball at home when coming to Neutraubling. (free tip for EC 2014) Some of us play it on lane 12 concrete. Not all, but it has had some really nice ace percentages over the years...because it rolls so well.
thanks Hans .... so probably my Vergiate friends will ask me to lend them the ball for EC 2014...
LLOOLLL .. usually I don't lend my balls even to my wife !
14.12.2012, 13:35
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
om 88 munster
just for curiosity ..
if in these 2 lanes ( 17 in Murnau and 12 in Neutrabling ) you need a "superspurtreuer" ball with S= around 20 ) ..
have you ever tried also the MG OM 88 GL ?
14.12.2012, 13:45
Moderator Bälle, Material
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Hessen
Beiträge: 18.521
mg ÖM 88 GL will work in Murnau (Senior's EC 2014 !!) as mentioned before I allways played the mg EM Luxembourg 1990 GL there
Neu-Traubling: my Team (Künzell ) an me had a good quota on Lane 12 using a BoF WM 1999 Peter Zimmermann ML-Baumer laquer, the original ball will not work because its MX
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