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Bahnengolf-Forum Minigolf (oder Bahnengolf) ist ein beliebter Freizeitspaß der Deutschen. Fast jeder hat's schon mal gespielt. So verwundert es nicht, dass sich aus dem Freizeitspaß ein Sport entwickelte bis hin zu Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften. In diesem Forum tummeln sich die Freaks aus aller Welt, tauschen ihre Erfahrungen untereinander aus, geben Ballempfehlungen. Außerdem wird über Turniere berichtet.

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Alt 04.10.2015, 00:31
Benutzerbild von wate
wate wate ist offline
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Ort: Kiel
Beiträge: 15.210
Standard Aktuelles Interview mit Carl-Johan Ryner

"Live" vom Abschlussabend des EC in Appelscha

3 questions for Carl-Johan Ryner (thank you for this interview!)

1. Congratulations on winning the title at Europeancup with your team Uppsala BGK ... Is Uppsala the best team ever?

CJR: "Thank you, Walter. It's a tough question to answer since the balls have evolved so much the last 10-15 years and the game is not really the same. On felt we probably are the best team ever. On concrete and eternit I think the Hardenberg and Süssen teams from 1996-1999 is in the discussion as well."

2. You´ve played as a starman, like a player from another planet. Which honorific form of address you will accept: King Carl, felt god, best player of the world?

CJR: "I'll let other's decide that, but I do like the sound of King of Felt."

3. What is the reason for such incredible performances and will we see King Carl again in the Swedish national team?

CJR: "I always have liked to play under pressure and the big scenes normally brings out the best play from me. Also the rest of the team really enjoy playing against the best international teams.
My national team career is over. It was really over after 2006, but in 2009 the five practice days was interesting and in 2011 I got special benefits from Janne (Strandberg, head coach) and could travel home to my family each day. With two "normal" championships in those years I wouldn't have played them either."
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